Firm Profile

JAMES LIN & Co. is a full service accounting and business advisory firm based in Taipei, Taiwan committed to providing the highest level of quality and client satisfaction.

  • What we Do?

    We offer a wide range of professional services to our clients including: Assurance and Information Integrity, Management Consulting and Performance Management, Technology Services, Financial Planning and International Services. 

  • What We Deliver?

    We deliver services that improve our clients' internal capabilities. We establish reporting and control methods to provide timely and accurate controls.

  • Our Vision

    It is our vision to be a prominent and trusted provider of accounting and consulting services in an atmosphere of growth, success and longevity.




Fast Facts


Main Office

10F, #15 Keelung Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei City, Taiwan 110


Firm History: Founded 1998


Key MembersCertifications

James C. Lin, CPA

Founder Principal

Certified Public Accountant

Taiwan & USA (District of Columbia)

Certified Tax Attorney

more facts

Cindy Yang, CPA


Managing Director


Certified Public Accountant: Taiwan



What Is

without wasting your time and money   

What sets us apart from other CPA firms in Taiwan is that we are large enough to serve a wide client base, yet small enough to provide personal service. We emphasize timely service along with strong professional ethics. Acting as advisors and business consultants, we are able to plan for the future needs of our clients in concert with their current tax and accounting obligations.